IM.A. S.r.l.
Italian Food for the world


The IM.A. S.r.l. was founded more than thirty years ago by Mr. Giuseppe Cudia who had had the opportunity to know the German food market as an agent for some firms in this field.

Many food wholesalers showed immediately a great interest in various Italian products so Mr. Cudia decided to add to his activity as a representative that of a real trader.

He started to buy hundreds of products in order to sell them in various European markets.

During these thirty years the markets have developed and the opening of the borders has greatly changed this type of work, but IM.A. S.r.l. has worked with so much care as to carve out a niche in the market and build the customers’ loyalty.

The customers’ loyalty together with correctness and flexibility are still the principles the firm intends to keep in the future.

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